The Asparagus World news Letter N ° 1 has just been published.
You will find articles on humidity and temperature waves in the mound for the management of irrigation but also the management of plastic mulching during the harvest of white or green asparagus, advice for a good implantation of claws or spealdings of asparagus , the various plastic mulches and also the situation of the 2020 asparagus campaign in Germany and also the critical situation in Peru due to social problems.
You will also find the Gold sponsors there:
Besnard for packaging asparagus,
Gauget for its arches on the hillocks
and Planasa for its asparagus claws;
silver sponsors:
Corhyze for its probes,
Ecogreen for its harvesting asparagus green o white assistance machine,
Farmax for its rotobeche during the establishment of an asparagus,
Huet2M for its disc or rotary ridgers,
Reyenvas for its various plastic mulches
and Teboza for its conventional or organic asparagus claws