
Transitioning growing regions for import asparagus The imported asparagus supply is currently shifting to a new growing region. “Peru is winding down, with moderate supplies still available, but this will be the last major week for Peruvian imports,” by FreshPlaza

Transitioning growing regions for import asparagus

The imported asparagus supply is currently shifting to a new growing region. “Peru is winding down, with moderate supplies still available, but this will be the last major week for Peruvian imports,” says Tim Ryan Jr., VP of Sales for Square One Farms, LLC. “By the first week of February, we expect Peruvian volumes to taper off quickly.”
The next source for imported asparagus is Sonora, Mexico. “January’s seasonably cooler weather delayed the start of the Mexican season, but temperatures are finally warming up,” says Ryan Jr. “We anticipate a transition to Mexican production this week, though initial volumes may be lighter or slightly delayed compared to earlier expectations.”

However, as temperatures continue to rise, larger volumes should follow. “If the warmer weather holds, we anticipate a smooth transition and a strong season ahead,” he adds.

February promotions and pricing trends
Currently, asparagus demand is moderate, but upcoming Valentine’s Day promotions are expected to boost sales.

As for pricing, the market is trending lower compared to this time last year. “Despite the lower prices, production costs are under even greater pressure than last year,” Ryan Jr. notes. “With approximately 20 percent less acreage in Caborca this season and rising operational expenses, farms will need higher per-box returns to sustain long-term growth in the asparagus category.”

For more information:
Tim Ryan Jr
Square One Farms, LLC
Tel: +1 (561) 614-2815