Plantara present its catalog of green, white and purple asparagus plants in spealdings by Christian BEFVE
during International Asparagus Days, the exhibitor and sponsor bronze Global Plant Genetics present his asparagus varieties by Christian BEFVE
during International Asparagus Days Alfredo Alvarez green asparagus grower , presented the asparagus cultivation biodynamic by Christian BEFVE
at the International Asparagus Days 2019 in Angers, among presentations on the different ways of producing white, green or violet asparagus (conventional, organic, biodynamic, Zero pesticide residues and High Environmental Value), the latter was presented by Régis Knight of Maraichers Nantais, following these presentations were at the round table Philippe Larrere Larrere Farms manager, Frédéric Poupard Angevine, Gilles Botrel Direct Production and Stéphane Hoffman of Fruidor by Christian BEFVE
During the International Asparagus Days at the end of October 2019 in Angers, the presentation of Zéro Pesticide by Gilles Bertrandias, president of Nouveaux Collective Fields, followed by a round table drew the attention: the cultivation of asparagus was presented and evoked with its marketing; during the roundtable, opinions were exchanged on organic, biodynamic, high environmental value and pesticide-free products by Christian BEFVE
During International Asparagus Days, the conference presented by Didier Duprat on the organic cultivation of white, green and purple asparagus: develops cultivation techniques, such as varieties, row spacing, fertilization, irrigation, health protection, as well as the market by Christian BEFVE
Lors des International Asparagus Days, les 250 visiteurs de 22 pays ont visité les aspergeraies des Lebourg et Planasa au sud de Bordeaux: ces entreprises sont spécialistes dans la production d’asperges blanches, violettes ou vertes by Christian BEFVE
Les entreprises productrices d’asperges vertes, violettes et blanches Lebourg et Planasa ont été visitées au sud de Bordeaux lors des International Asparagus Days by Christian BEFVE
During the International Asparagus Days, the conference “the approach of the system applied to the production of white, green or violet asparagus or how to reconcile the performance and naturalness of the treatments by the founding president of Medinbio, Thierry Picaud, was very successful : in fact, in horticulture we work increasingly with bio or biodynamics by Christian BEFVE
During International Asparagus Days, the conference Harvest Asparagus during the night by Luis San José by Christian BEFVE
During the international Asparagus Days 2019 exhibition in Angers, were presented various conferences including that by Céline Gentyl of Asperge de France; it presents the consumption of white, green and purple asparagus in France according to the age group of the consumer, the packaging and the place of purchase by Christian BEFVE
The innovations in asparagus, presentation of the new journals specialized in asparagus, Asparagus World by Christian BEFVE
the asparagus news tecnologies during the demonstrations in International Asparagus Days by Christian BEFVE
During International Asparagus Days, conference “asparagus production and distribution in Europe” by Christian BEFVE
the assistance machine Ecogreen for green asparagus are in International Asparagus Days by Christian BEFVE
Soil disinfection in organic farming with greenhouse steam is a technique that is developing a lot by Christian BEFVE