
Movement of asparagus from Peru through South Florida ports expected to remain about the same by FreshPlaza

Movement of asparagus from Peru through South Florida ports expected to remain about the same

The movement of asparagus from Peru imports through South Florida ports of entry is expected to remain about the same. Trading standard and small slow, others moderate. Prices jumbo, extra-large and white slightly higher, large, and standard slightly lower. 11-pound cartons bunched green jumbo mostly 44.75, extra-large mostly 42.75-44.75, large mostly 32.95-34.75, standard mostly 28.75-31.00, and small supplies insufficient to quote. White large 32.75-34.75.

Supplies standard moderate, large, and white light, while others remain very light due to the effects of El Nino in the growing regions. The sizing profile remains mostly reported on standard size. The asparagus market remains in very short supply with low demand. Prices remain high, this is adding pressure on buyers to turn away offers, as retailers are looking for bargains. Shippers are reporting that Peru is expected to stay high for the rest of the month as Mexico is finishing up for the season.

Growers are still asking for high prices making retail buyers remain very frugal. Some contacts are out due to meetings, and others are on vacation. Quality and condition are variable but generally good. The movement of asparagus crossings from Mexico through Arizona, California, and Texas is expected to remain about the same. Trading slow. Prices are generally unchanged. 11-pound cartons/crates bunched green jumbo 36.75-38.75, large mostly 32.75-34.75, and standard mostly 28.75-30.75. Prices represent very few spot market sales—a wide range in quality.

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